(PetroCad3D) - last update 12 20th, 2008 . version 6.9 => blackboard

  • This program is not finished yet, but you can download in this site
  • This program is in english and support francaises and spanish language.
  • This program integrate Design specific units (Distillation Tower, Heat Exchanger, Pipeline, Furnace, Pumps, Valves, Boilers, it is able to predicted the costs) and Simulator.
  • Work with compounds pure, mixtures, and complexes hydrocarbon fraction (using ASTM or TBP curve).
  • Possible to draw, calculate(different king of temperature), ASTM, TBP or CV curve, just for one click.
  • Elementary calculate like TEbu, density, Vapor pressure, Delta Enthalpies, Cp, etc, of pure, mixtures, complexes hydrocarbon fraction, and combination of them(in any pressure or/and any temperature).
  • View in 3D of the plant can be exported in appropriate format in order to show it by internet(using java program), see this example.
  • Encrypted datum in 'datacom.dat' archiving the main datum are unchangeable for no-ones.
  • IMPORTANT : This program needs to connect to my server in order to get authorization.


  • This programs was extracted from Petrocad3D, rewrote and adapted to be executed in a server online.
  • You can test this program just clicking in this site.
  • This program content 826 compounds used for simulation + 2 compounds defined by user(i can see it in the end of the list).
  • This program doesn't work well, i put here just for testing online by me.

FLASH DISTILLATION ON LINE -06-28-08 => blackboard

  • This program is a small piece of Petrocad3D, convert to php language in order to be executed in any king of system (tested in Explorer in Window system and Mozilla Firefox in Linux(Xandros) system.
  • You can test this program just clicking in this site.
  • This program content 826 compounds used for simulation + 2 compounds defined by user(i can see it in the end of the list).

BATCH DISTILLATION ON LINE 06-28-08 => blackboard

  • This program will add to Petrocad3D, wrote in php language in order to be executed in any king of system (tested in Explorer in Window system and Mozilla Firefox in Linux(Xandros) system.
  • You can test this program just clicking in this site.
  • This program content 826 compounds used for simulation + 2 compounds defined by user(i can see it in the end of the list).


  • This program is a small piece of Petrocad3D, convert to php language in order to be executed in any king of system (tested in Explorer in Window system and Mozilla Firefox in Linux(Xandros) system.
  • You can test this program just clicking in this site.
  • This program content 786 compounds used for simulation + 2 compounds defined by user(i can see it in the end of the list).
  • You can see in this program a lot of thing are automatically calculate, like phase, you can work in kmol/hr or kg/hr, lb/hr similar that Petrocad3D. The only different in this online program is that it wont be able to calculate the compression factor in liquid phase, viscosity correction by pressure, and price of the pipe.

BLENDER GASOLINE ON LINE 06-28-08 => blackboard

  • This program is used when you want to set up ROM (Research Octane Motor) of the TANK in a typical refinery operation.
  • You can test this program in this site
  • You can use 3 tanks include the blender tank, propane, iso butane and nbutane used to set up RVP specification.



I tested all my program using my computer, all my programs work very well, but if you notice one of my programs don't work well please let me know it.

I offer my programs free of payment, but that doesn't mean those programs are free, i keep with my copyright. Respect my work.