Gas real (Pressure > 3 atm), you know the formula of density is :

P : atm
R : 0.082
T : °K
M :gr

However, if you want to estimate the density of mixture, it is possible you would introduce some correction.

When you have in the mixture, vapor of water, H2, O2, N2 etc, you need to considerate the hydrocarbons below a pressure equal P sqrt(YHC) instead of P YHC. This change affected only the compute of compressible factor. (yHC is fraction molar of gas).

where        z is the average compressible factor

                 zHC is the average compressible factor below a pressure equal P sqrt(YHC)

                 z1, z2 is the compressible factor of compound 1, 2

                 y is the fraction molar of each compound.

Compute zHC : (this is the only change)

In order to computer it you need to have value :

Tr : reduce temperature
Pr : reduce pressure
TcHC critical or seudo-critical temperature
PcHC critical or seudo-critical pressure
yHC fraction molar of hydrocarbon

PcHC critical or seudo-critical pressure
Pci critical pressure of each hydrocarbons compound
yi is the fracction molar of each hydrocarbons compound

TcHC critical or seudo-critical temperature
Tci critical temperature of each hydrocarbons compound
yi is the fracction molar of each hydrocarbons compound